Sunday, 23 July 2017

The Man Who Predicted 'The Internet' Marshall McLuhan

Three day's ago "Google Doodle Honors Marshall McLuhan, The Man Who Predicted 'The Internet'

Google Doodle honoring Marshall McLuhan

The person who predicted the internet wasn't an engineer, a mathematician, or a cryptographer. He was an English professor, and 3day's ago Google Doodle proves him right.

Marshall McLuhan was fascinated by how we consume and share ideas and information and what impact that has on society. How we get our information and what form it comes in, according to McLuhan, is actually more important than the information itself. He summed it up by saying, "The medium is the message."
Imagine a piece of news: "President Kennedy has just been shot and killed in Dallas, Texas." Now imagine receiving that news in different ways: hearing it from a town crier, reading it in a newspaper, watching a television broadcast, or scrolling through real-time reactions on Twitter. How you get the news, and how you share it with the people around you, has an impact on how you react to the information.
When McLuhan was thinking about these ideas in the late 1960s, television was just becoming commonplace in people's homes, and it had sparked a lot of discussion about the impact the new technology would have on society and culture. McLuhan thought further ahead and predicted a time when people would share and consume most of their information electronically: "Instead of tending towards a vast Alexandrian library the world has become a computer, an electronic brain, exactly as an infantile piece of science fiction," he wrote in his 1962 book The Gutenberg Galaxy.
Electronic information would be pervasive, McLuhan predicted. In his version of the future, people all around the world would have constant access to the same constant flow of information, and that would give people a shared cultural reference point. Does that sound familiar? Take the universal appeal of cat memes as one very simple example.
McLuhan called this idea the "global village," and he wrote that it would create a global sense of connection and shared identity. That sounds like a good thing, but he also warned that such rapid information sharing could create a sort of herd mentality which might cause people to feed on each other's panic.
"So, unless aware of this dynamic, we shall at once move into a phase of panic terrors, exactly befitting a small world of tribal drums, total interdependence, and superimposed co-existence," he wrote. "In our long striving to recover for the Western world a unity of sensibility and of thought and feeling we have no more been prepared to accept the tribal consequences of such unity than we were ready for the fragmentation of the human psyche by print culture."
If that doesn't sound familiar, just go read the comments on a few Facebook posts or check here Marshall McLuhan’s 106th Birthday

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